Uncle Nev's Trail Rides

Rider Information
Things you should know before you ride.
Book a ride
To book a trail ride at Uncle Nev's, begin by visiting our Trail Rides page where you can view available rides and their prices.
Choose your ride and preferred date and contact us
by phone: 03 5783 1310
or email us at unclenevs@hotmail.com
If you have a question or want more information,
visit our FAQ page.
Before the Ride - Safety first
Once you have booked. If haven't already done so, please visit below pages for further information
Safety briefing page: read and understand the risks associated with trail riding.
Download, read and realise the risk before completing the Release of waiver of liability form
Bring your form with you on the day.
Not sure how to ride? Come along and we will step you through what to do.
Have more questions? visit out FAQ's page

On the day of the ride
Once you arrive at Uncle Nev's
Report to the office
staff will assist you to complete your sign in, payment and gear checked.
we need to ensure you are appropriately dressed for horse riding and the environmental conditions before making your way to the mounting area.
Our trail guides will ask about your horse riding experience, and you will be matched with the most suitable horse for you.
Once introduced to your horse, try to remember their name.
We will assist you on to your horse with use of a mounting block. Our guide will complete a gear check and adjustments made where required and will give basic instruction and assessment in how to manage your horse.
Trail guides will lead, follow and assist you along the track. please listen carefully and ask questions anytime.
The Safety briefing page will give you more details to assist your knowledge of what is required.
Whilst on your ride spend time getting to know your horse, understanding their body language and cues, and communicating effectively. Be patient and respectful, and avoid harsh methods that can damage trust. With trust, you and your horse can achieve greater communication and enjoyment.
Want to know more? visit the the FAQ's page
After the Ride
It is important to note that after the ride you may feel a little different, sore or tired muscle.
As this is a physically strenuous exercise.
Visit our FAQ section
for recommended exercises (how to - videos)
We hope that you enjoyed the ride and would love to see you again.