Uncle Nev's Trail Rides
Release of waiver of liability
We mitigate risks as much as we can, while still offering a wonderful engaging experience with horses,
in an open bushland environment.
We cannot guarantee an injury free ride experience, and you need to undertake this experience with
full knowledge of the risks involved.
As a legal document we need you to acknowledge this before you ride for our protection to be able to continue to offer this experience.
We will also collect medical information that may assist us in caring for you.
We need your permission to help with any medical assistance before any issues arise.
We strongly recommend that you have ambulance cover or travel insurance.
We know our waiver is confronting however we feel it is important that this type of sport (bush trail riding) should be preserved into the future and such a business cannot operate without legal waiver documents being consented to.
We will care for every individual and endeavor to give you a safe and happy experience.
Unable to download the waiver? Release waiver of Liability & Rider Application download here